Successor to the People’s Republic

The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic is the first democratic republic in the Muslim East. He granted equal rights to all citizens of the APC, regardless of their language, religion, or nationality. The main attributes of the country – our anthem, our flag – were adopted, and the official language was Azerbaijani. The culture of the country has developed. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic had a significant impact on the formation of democratic traditions in the Muslim East. Within a short period, the first parliament and government of Azerbaijan were established, state attributes were established, important measures were taken in the field of state building, recognition of the Republic in the system of international relations, important steps were taken in the direction of protecting national interests at the diplomatic level. The laws adopted by the parliament, which has just started functioning, played a fundamental role in strengthening national independence, ensuring political, economic and cultural development in the country, as well as establishing democratic principles. Unfortunately, the APC survived for only two years. After 71 years of Soviet rule, Azerbaijan finally gained its independence in 1991. The first years were very hard and difficult. There were those who tried to divide the country, held rallies and fought for power. The economic and political situation of the country has become completely unstable. Since June 1993, National Leader Heydar Aliyev came to power in the country at the request of the people. With his coming to power, the economic and political situation of the country is going towards stabilization. This period (1918-1920), which is the glorious history of our nation, is currently being studied. The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev issued important orders to study the history of the republic and perpetuate the memory of the founders of this state. The date of May 28-Independence Day is written in golden letters on the calendar. Azerbaijan is the successor of the People’s Republic, as the National Leader Heydar Aliyev said: “The establishment of the first democratic republic in the Muslim East, precisely on the land of Azerbaijan, is related to the fact that our people lived with the feelings of national independence and freedom at that time and on the eve of those years – at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. In those years, the leading personalities, thinkers and intellectuals of our people strengthened the feelings of national freedom and national independence in our people, spread the mood of national revival and national awakening, and all of these logically led to the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. As we know, after the occupation of Azerbaijan by the Bolsheviks, the policy of destroying our people was carried out as part of the USSR. This process continued until the 1960s. With the election of Heydar Aliyev as the chairman of the State Committee of the People’s Republic of Azerbaijan, for the first time in the history of Azerbaijan, the fate of the nation was entrusted to the signature of a person from that nationality. The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev had great historical services. Being a member of the Politburo of the former USSR, he turned the governed into a ruling nation. Our great leader raised our tricolor flag forever and ever.

After 2003, with the coming to power of Ilham Aliyev, a worthy and successful follower of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev’s course, the economy of Azerbaijan is undergoing unprecedented development. The Declaration of Independence monument was erected in Baku in honor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. President Ilham Aliyev always honors the memory of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. 2018 was declared the year of the “Azerbaijan People’s Republic” in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The declaration of 2018 by President Ilham Aliyev as the “Year of the Azerbaijan People’s Republic” in our country is proof that the importance of the first parliamentary republic in the East, which is a very important and honorable stage in the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood, is always held high, as well as the great value is attached to statehood traditions. The “100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan People’s Republic (1918-2018)” jubilee medal was established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 1, 2018.

The holiday ceremonies held by our embassies and diaspora organizations operating abroad on May 28 – Independence Day are a manifestation of national pride. At the beginning of the events, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan is played and the dear memory of our martyrs is commemorated with a minute of silence. Diaspora representatives of Azerbaijani, Turkish, European and Arab and other nations also participate in these events. In the holiday ceremonies, detailed information about the history of Independence Day is given. Films are also shown, national dishes of Azerbaijan are served to the guests. In addition, various books, magazines and leaflets about Azerbaijan are distributed to the participants of the event.

Today our independent state is developing successfully. Azerbaijan is always moving forward with greater successes.

Ibrahimova Gulzar Isakhan gizi, Eurasian University vice-rector for scientific affairs, doctor of sciences in political sciences, professor

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