Foreign media representatives and tour operators were introduced to ornithological tourism opportunities

In order to demonstrate Azerbaijan’s ornithological tourism potential, the Azerbaijan Tourism Bureau organized a promotional trip for media representatives and tour operators specializing in bird watching from Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland and Great Britain on November 9-14.Our website was informed about this by the State Tourism Agency (DTA).During the trip, we visited the “bottleneck” of birds located in the territory of the “Beshbarmag Mountain” State Historical-Cultural and Nature Reserve, which surrounds the passageway between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, and observed their autumn migration.Also, visits were made to Shirvan, Kyzylagac, Hirkan and Aghgol National Parks, Mahmudchala and Varvara lakes, as well as other areas, which are known as the main bird watching areas in Azerbaijan, and rare bird species in Azerbaijan were observed.Within the framework of the program, together with ornithological tourism, presentations were made about other types of tourism developed in Azerbaijan, the participants of the trip got to know samples of Azerbaijan’s national cuisine, tea and citrus plantations, their cultivation and production process.Development and promotion of ornithological tourism opportunities as an important direction of ecotourism in “Beshbarmaq” State Historical and Cultural Reserve and other relevant areas under the State Tourism Agency has been defined as one of the priority directions.

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