20 houses are being renovated in Khinalig

This year, 20 houses are being repaired in Khinalig village of Guba region.

Report informs that this was stated by Elshan Agalarov, head of the construction sector of the Reserves Management Center of the State Tourism Agency.

“If the weather conditions allow, the repair and restoration of all these houses will be completed. Otherwise, 17 houses will be handed over. In total, the repair and restoration of 60 houses in Khinalig is planned for a period of 4 years – in 2021-2024. In 2021, 16, 11 houses were handed over to residents in 2022. We plan to repair and restore the remaining houses in 2024,” he said.

E.Agalarov emphasized that since Khinalig is a historical place, the houses are restored according to the unique architectural style of the village.

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