Equipment was provided to citizens to support guest houses in Khinalig

In Khinalig village of Guba region, 16 entrepreneurs who created a guest house and provided services to tourists were presented with a water heater, stove and gas stove.

“Report” informs that this took place within the framework of the project “Support for the Development of Sustainable Tourism in the Regions of Azerbaijan” jointly implemented by the State Tourism Agency and the United Nations Development Program.

It should be recalled that on September 4, by the order of President Ilham Aliyev, the State History, Culture and Ethnography Reserve was established under the Agency. The new reserve covers the village of Khinalig and the 200-km-long Migration Road, which passes through the territory of 6 districts. On September 18, at the 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, a specialized agency of the United Nations Organization for Science, Education and Culture, a decision was made to include the “Hinalig and Migration Route Cultural Landscape” in the organization’s World Heritage List.

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