Bakı üzrə 200-dən artıq qurumuş və qəzalı ağacın götürülməsinə dair ictimai dinləmə keçirilib

A public hearing was held on the removal of more than 200 dead and damaged trees in Baku

Another public hearing was held regarding the removal of dead and damaged trees.

“Report” informs that at the event held at the State Environmental Expertise Agency, applications regarding the removal of dead and damaged trees were considered at various addresses in Khazar, Surakhani, Sabunchu, Binagadi and Sabail districts of Baku city.

At the public hearing held with the participation of ecologists, NGO and mass media representatives, as well as other interested parties, the work to be done in the direction of removing greenery, restoration value, protection and improvement of the ecological situation was discussed.

Mirsalam Ganbarov, the Chairman of the Board of the State Environmental Expertise Agency, said that the issue of protecting the existing greenery is not only the activity direction of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, it is the responsibility of executive authorities, including municipalities. Municipalities should treat the greenery existing in their territory as their property and take timely and correct agrotechnical maintenance measures. Of course, the drying and decay of trees can also be related to climatic factors. At this time, the Agency should be contacted in time for the removal of those damaged trees, and the process should be carried out in a short time immediately after receiving a positive opinion. Also, according to the legislation, new saplings must be planted in place of the removed trees, and each of the obligations in the opinion must be fulfilled.

“Each application received by the agency is given a positive or negative opinion after careful investigation. Sometimes, although a positive opinion is given to the removal of the tree, cases of delay in the process are recorded. Either our experts detect this by monitoring, or it is revealed after some unpleasant circumstances occur. “Also, we are faced with cases where new trees are not planted in place of the removed trees. That is, if we give an opinion, it does not mean that the control is considered finished. The process is kept under control, and those who do not fulfill their obligations are punished,” said M. Ganbarov.

The ecologists and NGO representatives who participated in the event also stated that if the owners of greenery properly fulfill their obligations, conduct timely monitoring and evaluation, provide proper agrotechnical care, and plant new greenery, the problems of mass drying of trees and falling into an emergency situation will decrease. they will make great contributions to our ecology.

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